Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Slow Going

I thought I would post because it has been a while and I wanted to update you all on what's currently happening in our adoption process. Right now it feels like nothing though that isn't true I am sure. The NSN (non-special needs) process has slowed down dramatically and the wait time right now according to our agency is 16-17 months from LID (Log-in-date). Our agency also said to expect the wait time to get even longer. While at first I didn't pay attention to this detail because we were adopting a special needs child, I now am paying attention due to a recent phone call with our agency. I called to double check and make sure that our dossier (paperwork) had been submitted for the special needs route. Much to my dismay they said that the way our paperwork had been worded indicated a NSN adoption. We didn't even question the wording when it went through assuming that the way it was worded was correct. We have learned quite a lot through the adoption process. First of which...nothing is done quickly in the adoption world. So what it looks like will happen now is that we are in line for a NSN adoption and a child will be offered to us off the waiting child list that our agency gets quarterly. We haven't yet been matched with a child off our agency's list and they have received three since we have been in the adoption process so not sure what kind of time frame we are looking at now. We feel right now that it isn't likely the adoption will happen this year. We hope that it will but probably more realistically it will be sometime in 2008. It makes us a bit sad as we were hoping that it would move along much quicker than it has but are very confident in God's timing. If that means that we don't adopt till 2009 than we are ok with his plan. So thanks for following our blog and keeping up with us. I will probably try to post some other things in between that may not be adoption related just to keep everyone up to speed on our lives. And of course if anything happens in the adoption arena we will be sure to keep you all posted!
I am also posting some more recent pictures of the girls for you to enjoy!

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