Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

We spent most of the afternoon just relaxing which was nice. Jeff and Mackenzie made me breakfast in bed before I had to be up and out for church. The women's 2007 retreat band, of which I play the acoustic guitar, led worship for all 3 of the services at our church this weekend so that consumed a large amount of my time. It was a lot of fun and had a great time with it. We took the girls to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner at Mackenzie's request. She thought it would be great for me as I would be able to pick out what they this was even logical reasoning I have no idea but we did it anyway!:) The girls got me High School Musical and a wonderful card. Now I know some of you may be laughing as that's a teen movie...but I thought it was awesome and really wanted it so laugh away. Jeff got me a Strong's Concordance and a Third Day CD compilation. And while many of you will think that odd and boring, it was what I wanted. I think all of you would agree I am a bit odd so this should not be out of the norm for me.
Anyway, on to other things. We hope that our agency gets our paperwork off to China soon. I am not sure of a time frame but will probably e-mail our agency tomorrow to see if it will get off this coming week or not as we haven't heard that it got sent out yet. On our part, we need to meet with our social worker once again to do an addendum to our home study. She sent us a list of questions to go over and we have to meet with her and talk about them. I think that's the last of what we have to do with paperwork until we get ready to travel.
Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day and got to enjoy some time with your family.

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