Saturday, June 23, 2007

Another Lost Tooth

So last night Jeff pulled another tooth from Mackenzie's mouth. This is the fourth tooth that she has lost and she is very excited about it. When Mackenzie first started losing teeth, I told her that she could put her tooth under her pillow and sometime during the night the tooth fairy would come and take her tooth and leave her money. The same famous tooth fairy that many parents tell their children about...if you know anything about us, you would know that we don't often subscribe to telling our kids about these things. I usually just explain that it's a story and it's make believe..that sort of thing. But this time I decided to go ahead with the story and let her have fun with it. So the night of her first lost tooth, I go in her room, collect the tooth, leave a note from the tooth fairy and a good deal of money(for such a small tooth) and proceed on my way to bed. The next morning, Mackenzie gets up and asks me where her tooth is..of course I say that the tooth fairy came and got it in the night and left her money. She looks at me and says..."you don't really think I believe that stuff do you? Fairies aren't real mom and they certainly don't come and get your teeth. I know it was you so give me my tooth!" What have we created???
So's a picture of Mackenzie with yet another lost tooth. The other picture is of a princess tattoo that she had painted on her arm at Vacation Bible School. Last night was the Family Fun Night where they have a closing ceremony and then a cookout and games, face painting (or arm painting as it seems to be) and popcorn. She chose this princess and though you can't see all the detail, they did an amazing job. If I was asked to paint a princess I can assure you it would have looked nothing like that!

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