Monday, November 1, 2010


I wanted to post a bit more on Ellie in commemoration of her 3rd gotcha day with us.
I can't believe where the time has gone in the last three years. Where we were three years ago and where we are's almost incomprehensible.
I remember seeing Ellie for the first time in China and shutting down myself, completely overwhelmed. Looking back with the advantage of time, I can completely see how I could have handled the first few days with Ellie differently, but in the midst of uncertainty about what could be "wrong" with her, I just shut myself down emotionally. It took a couple of days, the working of the Holy Spirit and lots of tears to get me to the place where I knew Ellie was ours, rain or shine, easy or difficult, and that we would not be turning back. And what a ride it has been!
I can't imagine my life without her in it. She has changed my world, my perception of special needs and my desire to be the difference in the life of one orphan. She is a trouper. She loves people, is outgoing and friendly and continually makes us laugh!
Our life would be incomplete without Ellie in it. I am so thankful God let us into the unknown to adopt Ellie. It is because of Ellie that we have decided to head back to China to adopt another little girl for our family.
Without a family to love her, intervene and advocate for her, I can't imagine where she would be today. Thinking about it brings tears to my eyes and I wish I had the resources and strength to connect all kids with loving families. But all we can do it take the step of faith that God has called us to take and continue on the journey that He set our family on.
I look forward to the day when we can announce our next little bundle of joy!


p&k said...

On Sunday I was remarking to Patrick about three years ago . . . being with you guys there . . . and forgetting completely that it had been halloween . . . anyhow, it's WONDERFUL to hear your perspective three years later. :) Give Ellie our love.

Difference2This1 said...

Happy 3rd Anniversary Home, Ellie!!! God has big plans for you, girl...including opening many hearts to caring for His orphan children. God bless, Jennifer