Sunday we had church and then Mackenzie had a friend over from church. In the evening we had a sitter come and watch the kids as we went out to watch the WEBN fireworks at a friend's condo. She and her sister rented out the clubhouse and had a shindig there. The clubhouse overlooks the Ohio River where the set the fireworks off but we were a ways down the river. We could see them but not hear them. It was a fun night and we are thinking of getting a hotel next year in downtown Cincinnati and bringing the girls as they would love it I think.
Monday we took the girls to the zoo. They had a lot of fun and did very well. We were there for almost 5 hours and by the time we got home were hot, Hot and HOT. It has been in the 90's the last few days. I managed to do some serious trimming of my rosebushes. That took a long while but Ainsley helped me so that was nice of her:) She did actually trim some of the dead flowers off but I had to continually remind her that they had thorns and eventually she decided it was too hot to be outside any more! And we ended the day by all watching Nim's Island and eating popcorn. A fun and relaxing weekend.
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