Sunday, January 6, 2008

Appointments galore

I haven't been doing a very good job about keeping up with the blog the last few weeks. Ellie is doing really well and showing improvements and growth every day it seems. Sometimes it is slow going and sometimes it seems amazing but she is an amazing little girl. We have some cute videos but since as you can see from the last blog update that I haven't figured it out, I have given up trying to post any video. Suffice it to say she can be pretty funny when she tries to imitate everything that we do!
She was actually working out with me the other day trying to copy everything the workout tape did...and of course standing right in front of me, making it quite difficult to actually exercise but very cute to watch.
She is still having quite a few appt which keeps me really busy. Between her appts and Mackenzie and Ainsley we are hopping. But I do think at some point it must slow down! The orthotics that she was fitted for after Christmas will be coming in this week and I am excited to see if they help with upper and lower body strength once we start using them. She also will go to see the pediatric dentist about her teeth and under bite. Not sure if they will tell me they want to wait till her permanent teeth come in to do anything or if they want to try to correct it now..I am not sure if it is affecting her speech at all but we will see what they have to say on Friday. Then there's the regular speech and developmental therapies and ballet for the older two...and school of course. I am starting to get back into Mackenzie's school to help out weekly in her class so that will be fun.

Here's some recent photos of all the girls

1 comment:

ek and kids said...

I had a hard time with video too. When you post, put your post on the Edit HTML spot instead of the post spot. The tabs are right next to each other. So copy and paste the video link on the Edit HTML post section. Hope that helps.
Congratulations on your sweet girls!