Sunday, August 17, 2008

Getting Ready for School

Tomorrow starts the school year for the two oldest girls.  Mackenzie will be all day but Ainsley only half day.  I found out that Ellie doesn't start until next Monday so I have a week home alone with Ellie which will be fun.  Mackenzie and Ainsley are all ready to go and looking forward to it. I am a bit nervous with Ainsley but hopefully she suprises me and has no "mommy attachment" issues!  
Ainsley had her first soccer game on Saturday and didn't play.  She managed to cry a lot though:( We are going to give it another shot.  Jeff will take her to practice tomorrow night and then to her game on Sat.  I went with Jeff to the game and she didn't do well but maybe if I am not there at all it will help.  Mackenzie also had her first game and did pretty well for her first game.  She still has a lot to learn about following through when kicking the ball and learning positions on the field but we think she did great.  She was pretty tired at the end as it was really warm and sunny but she was a trooper.
Hopefully I will remember I to post tomorrow after their first day of school:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope they have a great first day