Saturday, September 12, 2009 the time flies..and flies..

I can't believe it has been so long since I have updated our blog. Sorry for all of those who actually use it to keep up with us! We have been so busy the last few months and I just haven't taken the time to update.
We had an amazing summer. Relaxing and fun and refreshing which was awesome. The girls had lots of time to just hang out with their friends but also plenty of time with the family too.
School has been in session for almost 4 weeks, I believe so I should probably update on that while I am at it!
We opted to homeschool Mackenzie this year. She has been asking to homeschool for a while. So to give her more of a challenge and keep her love of learning growing, we are homeschooling her. She is LOVING it. She is doing a homeschool curriculum called Classical Conversations. It is a Co-op that meets in our area on Thursdays. We get most of her curriculum from this classical site and base most of all that we do on what she learns on Thursdays. I have also added additional things such as a math curriculum and Spanish, etc. So she is loving the challenge that she didn't get at our public school. She is taking gymnastics, playing soccer and doing theatre again this year.
Ainsley is loving school. She is still at Burlington Elementary and LOVES her teacher. She has a really great teacher. I am still able to volunteer every Tuesday morning for a couple of hours so I love that too. Ainsley really enjoys being with other kids and is enjoying all that she is doing in the first grade! She is also taking gymnastics which she loves..and she takes on the same day as Mackenzie which is nice.
Ellie is in year number two of preschool at Burlington Elementary. She is really enjoying it and doing even better this year which is really encouraging to me. She is sitting better at circle time and improving on all of her skills which is great! She has also started pre-tap/pre-ballet class at one of our local studios. She LOVES it and is in class with 5 other friends from China. So fun!
All in all the start to our fall school year has been great! I am looking forward to lots of fun this fall. We will be going to King's Island next weekend for our annual King's Island trip with P&G. The girls will have a blast. And I will have a blast watching them...and riding no roller coasters:) Early October is a trip to Cedarville for homecoming and then possibly a trip to St. Louis. Hopefully I will be better at updating in the near future. Finding time on the computer with curriculum prep for Mack, helping Ainsley with homework, etc seems to be more difficult but I am sure I will get better with my time management soon...or hope so!


Jen said...

I hope you fall in love with homeschooling. :) It sounds like Mackenzie has. I knew I recognized the title Classical Conversations!

Difference2This1 said...

Just had a sec. to catch up and loved reading your update. Sounds like you doing great finding out what works for each child! You surely must be a very busy lady!! :) Wonderful to read how Ellie continues to move forward in this new class. When Robyn was Ellie's age, I wouldn't have imagined Robyn would be ready for K at 5 yrs..but she was and is doing great. It's amazing the progress they can make when they have a strong support system surrounding them in so many areas of their life! God bless!! Jennifer