Friday, October 22, 2010

Columbus Half Marathon

I was hoping to have photos to post of me but I haven't received them yet so I figured I would go ahead and post without photos. I spent Saturday and Sunday in Hilliard/Columbus for the Columbus Half Marathon. I had been planning to run this event for the last 4-5 months and it was the culmination of 12 weeks of training. I was sick all last week which put a damper on my training, but I was determined to move forward.
So on Saturday I drove to Columbus with Ainsley and picked up my race packet. We then drove to Hilliard where we spent the rest of the day/evening with our friends the Nelles. Kristen invited Ainsley to come and play with their daughter for the day/overnight. The girls had an absolute blast! So much fun! I had a good time visiting and hanging out with Kristen too.
I got up early Sunday morning after a VERY restless night of sleep and honestly didn't feel that great. I got to the start line with no problems and was able to run my first 10K well, but at mile 7 I started not feeling well. I had to stop briefly for a cramp but when I stop it seems to slow me down and I just didn't feel great after that. All in all I am glad that I ran it since I trained so much for it but I didn't meet my goal which was to get under 2 hours. However I did improve my time from 2:22 to 2:08 so that was all I could ask for I guess. Maybe I can get under 2 with my next one! The Columbus half was not nearly as fun as the Disney princess run. But then I guess everything Disney is probably lots of fun. Columbus seems geared for serious athletes of which I don't consider myself one. But it was definitely worth running. I will have to look for another one to run next year...or maybe a triathlon will be next...who knows!
When I get the photos of me from my friend I will post them.

1 comment:

p&k said...

Whoo Hoo! That's a really good improvement, Steph. Especially for not feeling well!!

There's a marathon every October in BJ!