Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ainsley's Preschool Christmas Program

So I am trying to figure out how to upload video from our new camera. We used it in China and were able to upload then but now I can't seem to figure it out. Odd...hopefully you will see some video of her Christmas performance because it was great. We actually though Ainsley might not stay on stage as she is so shy or if she stayed she wouldn't actually sing...surprisingly for all of us...not only did she stay but she sang as well. In addition to staying and singing, she also put her arm around a boy! such a young age too! It was very cute:)

Well I have tried for about a half hour to upload video...and apparently you either can't upload it from our camera or I am just incompetent. So I will post some photos and be sad that you guys can't see the video I thought was so cute.

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