Sunday, March 8, 2009

You can only wish you were here..

So yesterday we experienced our first really warm day of the spring season here in KY. It was sunny and 74 degrees. I am loving it!!! So I bet you are all jealous unless of course you live in Florida. In which case I am jealous of you..but only in the winter:) Today is overcast and looks like it could rain soon but it is still warm in the high 60's. I love the spring in KY. Last year we didn't get much spring as it moved from 40's to 80's it seems. While that might be a slight over exaggeration, it went from cold to hot quickly. We didn't get much of the 60's. This week Mackenzie had her Student of the Month recognition at the monthly PTA meeting. The plan was for all of us to go but Ainsley came home from school not feeling well and had a fever so it ended up that only Jeff was able to go with her. She was a little nervous beforehand but did fine once she was there. She walked up with her friend Taylor and all went well. I will post a few pics of the event but none of them came out that great.
Other than that we have had a pretty low key week. The girls had Awana on Wednesday night and I spent the time while they were at Awana looking for brown valance curtains for our kitchen. I was unable to find any that I liked and so we are still curtainless. I have looked at all the stores I can think of so I think maybe it is now time to venture online.
We had the girls spring festival at school yesterday afternoon. It is the major PTA fundraiser and it looked to be a great success. They had a ton of silent auction baskets. I of course did not win the one I bid on but that's ok. I think every class did a basket with donated items based on a theme given to them by the PTA. It as a great idea and the girls had fun playing the games, jumping in the bounce house and wining prizes. I volunteered my time from 3-5 and had a good time helping out with doling out bags of popcorn. I even learned how to make it with the fancy popcorn stand. Pretty cool I say:) I unfortunately didn't get any pictures of me at the popcorn stand so sadly you will all have to use your imaginations:)
I have been reading a parenting book this week to try to help me get a handle on Ellie's tantrums and I also have a call in to the Social Worker at the International Adoption Center. Hopefully between those two things, I will get a better idea of how to best work with Ellie to minimize her tantrums.

Here is a random picture of Ellie this past week

Ainsley and Ellie with an entire strawberry in their mouth
why this is cool...I am not sure but they sure thought it was:)
Mackenzie waiting to receive her award for student of the month

Mackenzie and her friend Taylor who is right in front of her..

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