Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fingerprinted again...

So with our USCIS fingerprinting appointment in hand, Jeff and I left our house this morning at 7:15 hoping to get our fingerprints taken.
Our rescheduled appt, after I missed the first appt, is for January 10th, but we were hoping that we could get it done earlier.
Thankfully it was not busy today and we were able to be the first 2 to get our prints taken! Yea!!
Hopefully we get approval before we move because that would be the best case scenario.
Otherwise we may have to get it done again...which would be more time lost and more money..
Our goal is to get our approval and get our dossier submitted to China before we move.
Lofty goal..yes...
Beyond God's
So if you feel so inclined...please pray for our house to sell and for us to get our USCIS approval and dossier off before the 3rd week of Feb!

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