Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sorry for the long wait

So I haven't posted in a while. I have been reading all of my friend's blog that I follow regularly but just haven't made the time to download my photos from the last few weeks so I haven't wanted to post. But I figured that it has almost been a month and I just need to post. Hopefully I get myself in gear with the pictures as we have a few really good ones. In the last few weeks, Jeff's mom has been in town, we got away for an overnight just the two of us and Ellie has had many therapy sessions. It seems like the weeks have flown by with just the normal day to day stuff. The girls had a great time with their Grammie I. in town as they always do and Grammie had a great time with them too. It was nice to hear from another source that Ellie has indeed made progress in the last few months. There are times when it seems so slow that we forget she is making progress. But Grammie said she saw a big difference between Christmas and now so that was good to hear. Ellie continues to have speech 3 times a week. Once privately through the speech dept of one of our local hospitals and then twice through the school. I love her private speech therapist. She has been great with Ellie and Ainsley has fun too. Physically she is coming along with her gross motor skills, but it is her speech that we are most concerned with at this point as she is developing speech VERY slowly. But we all love her to pieces and can't imagine life without her. She is completely a mommy's girl but does have a pretty good time with daddy too. She and Ainsley have started to warm up to each other and are doing better together too.
Jeff and I had a great time away while Jeff's mom watched the kids for us. It was nice to just have some time away. We went to a fantastic restaurant overlooking Cincinnati on Sat night and then stayed at a hotel in downtown Cincinnati. We of course used our time without kids to make our FIRST run to IKEA. A new IKEA opened in West Chester, OH and I wanted to check it out. We had a fantastic time and were really glad that we didn't have the kids as the place was a zoo! However we got some fantastic ideas for new furniture in Mackenzie's room and decided that a second trip with the kids was in order. Since then we have actually made 3 trips, twice with all the kiddos and then once with just Ellie. We have now finished Mack's room and it looks pretty good if I do say so myself. Nothing much on the walls so we do need a bit of decor but the furniture looks good:) I will have to take a picture soon.
I have also managed to purchase a new pair of running shoes, get injured, take time off from running, see the podiatrist and start running again...all in the span of time that I haven't posted! Isn't that amazing? I am feeling ok now and am waiting for a new gel padding thing to come in to the podiatrist's office. Apparently I have bruised a bone at the base of my big toe which is a common running injury. I find this fascinating as I have been running on again off again for a lot of years and have never managed to hurt myself. I hope this is not an indication that I am getting old;)
That is pretty much it from our side of the world. Hopefully I will be better about posting in the next few weeks.

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