Friday, September 19, 2008

My friend's blog

I haven't posted a lot this week since we got the remains of Hurricane Ike. It hasn't been that I haven't wanted to but I have been following my friend's blog while they are adopting their 3 daughter from China. I keep getting so caught up in her blog that I forget to post on ours! If you want to follow a really cool journey, check out I am truly amazed by them and all that they have done. They are such an encouragement to me personally when I start to feel discouraged.

This week has been pretty busy. Jeff was out of town for an overnight and then had a business dinner so it seems we haven't seen a lot of him. And the kids probably think they haven't seen a lot of me! I had band practice last night for tonight's women's retreat that our band was asked to play at. All went well and I had a good time playing at it tonight. I am now finally home after getting lost not once but TWICE!! The church was about a 45 minute drive for me and I didn't have any problems on the way there. It was way out on Rte 27 past Alexandria, KY and I had never driven out there before but my google directions looked pretty clear. However, it was light out which apparently makes ALL the difference! On the way back home it was dark and I was on my cell phone. That also apparently makes all the difference! Note to self..I should not drive in a new area after dark talking on my cell. I got completely turned around twice. I am still recovering from the shock:) Jeff is helping out with a youth group function at church tonight so I got one of my regular babysitters to watch the girls. I was going to call and tell her when I left to expect me home in about 45 minutes. Fortunately for her I didn't or she probably would be on the phone with the police sending out a search party for me! I managed to get home 45 minutes later than I anticipated but I think I now know my way around Alexandria!!:)

So the rest of the week was pretty good. The girls finally got back to school on Wednesday of this week. They had Monday and Tuesday off due to the power outages from hurricane Ike. They enjoyed themselves immensely and played with their friends a lot. They were sad when Wed came around and they had to go back to school, but I was glad as it was picture day. They all got their pictures taken on Wed and I am looking forward to seeing all of them except Ellie's! My neighbor, who helped out with picture day, informed me that Ellie had a bit of a fit about having her picture taken so she she isn't actually smiling but grimacing or something like that..:( Oh well that's how it goes. She usually like's having her picture taken but it has to be on her terms..such is the case with many things with Ellie!! She is learning how to share and take turns at preschool and seems to be making some strides in these areas. Her teacher told me she had a good day on Wed. She must have left out the picture taking experience:) Mackenzie and Ainsley said they smiled for their pictures though so at least we will have two good pictures! And now it is time for bed..already past my bedtime!

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