Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tears and whining

Well this adjustment to preschool has been a bit rough for Ellie. She starts the mornings a bit rough by falling apart at the table over my correcting her speech and it just goes downhill from there. The loss of her afternoon nap has had a major impact on her and we are hoping that she adjusts soon! I have been trying to get her down for a mid-morning nap from 11-12:15 and she has been napping but she is still quite whiny. I have been asking her preschool teachers how she is doing and though she seems to be adjusting to preschool apparently she whines a lot at school too. So I am trying to figure out how to best help her adjust and not whine. If any of you have any suggestions I would be happy to entertain them!! They have said that this adjustment is "normal" for the younger kids since they are used to having naps. Ugh! On a positive note though she understands a whole lot more than what she can express. They told me she is able to match colors and I know she can identify at least 7-10 letters of the alphabet which is great. And the most exciting news of all...she is FINALLY able to get herself onto the potty without the use of a stool!!!! Now I know for some of you that doesn't seem to big but for her...HUGE! She hates stools in general. I think she feels unsteady and insecure on them and has practically refused to use them. Which in turn means I have to assist her in going to the bathroom every time she goes. Not a huge deal but we have been working on her being more independent in some of her skills. Now if she would only get the concept of not pulling out half the roll of toilet paper, we would be all set!
Ainsley is still loving kindergarten and is still quite concerned about being late. We were running a bit behind yesterday as is usual when we have nothing to do. And I thought we might be cutting it pretty close. She was in tears about not being able to get in the door. We actually weren't late but since the door was closed (because of the extreme heat) she thought we were and just fell apart. I had to actually open the door and show her the kids were all still there. I wonder if this was Jeff as a child..because I am certain that it wasn't me!:) Other than that all is well in kindergarten land. She has definitely gotten in a routine and is enjoying it.
Mackenzie is enjoying school too. She was placed in an advanced group for reading/math/spelling/writing and I think it will be good for her as it challenges her a bit more. She actually changes teachers for this advanced group and I had to laugh as she is ALL drama. She gets home from school on Tues and tells me that she went to her new teacher for the first time that day and the teacher made them write until her hand was about to fall off! I told her that school was about learning to read, write, etc...and her explanation was it was unnecessary to write that much!:) She is still obsessed with books and it so much like me it is mind boggling. Punishment for her is taking away her books and it can be quite effective. She had sped up her morning routine since I won't allow her read until she is completely ready for school. For this I am thankful, since she is also like me in her puttering and dilly dallying and getting ready for school seems to take her forever. I don't remember being like that getting ready for school but I tend to be like that now. Make sure the table is cleaned and the kitchen is picked up before I can actually leave the house regardless of whether we are running late or not. I am trying to get better but it is still a struggle sometimes!

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