Saturday, January 24, 2009


So we spent MLK Day with friends in Springfield. The girls had a blast with their "adopted" grandparents and our friends the Nelles'. Kristen and I went to Cedarville together and though it seems we should be able to get together more often than we do, it just doesn't happen. Her oldest in in Kindergarten and with our kids being in school, getting together during the week is difficult. And what with busy weekends...well it just doesn't happen! So MLK was a special day! We spent the day with her parents in Springfield and we had so much fun. They live a bit more in the "country" and have lots of land. And a tractor! Papaw hooked a sled up to the back of the tractor and the kids had a blast. Not to mention the fact that they had probably 6 inches of snow and we have none. Add that to having friends to play with the day was fantastic! It is a lot of travel for one day and the kids really wanted to spend the night. But of course, school beckoned:) I thought I would post a few pictures of our day.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Looks like fun! hey, were'd your music go?