Monday, August 2, 2010

Weekend activities

Our weekend was pretty low key but we managed to throw in lots of fun too! Friday night we went to the pool and had a really good time. That was our first time at the pool in at least several weeks because of vacation. It was nice to hang out as a family. Jeff was gone this past week on a business trip so the girls we glad to have daddy back too.
Saturday morning we just spent around the house relaxing and doing some yard work. The girls played with a neighborhood friend and then we headed out to do some shopping, eat dinner and go bowling. They were very excited about the bowling as we haven't done that in a long time. However the evening really turned into a comedy of errors on my part! We had some landscape needs to get at home depot, a few P&G coupons to use before the expired, pick out a camera for Ainsley with her birthday money and school supplies for the girls. Then the plan was to go get new running shoes for Jeff and I at the specialty running store in Newport. We got everything we needed to get done and then drove to Newport, which is about a 25min drive. We got there, found parking (which is no easy feat at 5 pm in Newport) and then found out that the store closes at 4:30! Grrrr! Who closes at 4:30 on a Saturday night?? So decided to get dinner since we knew there would be a long wait at the restaurant we wanted to go to.
After a very yummy dinner out Outback (thanks to gift cards), we headed to the bowling alley. We had coupons for bowling and it should have been a very inexpensive outing all things considered. But no...I didn't read the fine print on the coupon (which honestly I should have because it wasn't so fine..)! They can't be used after 6 pm. Of course the bowling alley doesn't open for the public till 5 so that gives you an hour in which to actually use the coupon!! But since the girls were looking forward to it so much, we decided to just spend the money and bowl. We get our shoes and ball and off we go! They put the bumpers up for us since we had the girls and they had a lot of fun. Ellie lost interest about halfway through but I still had her come up and bowl. As a lot of you know, she is pretty weak. She has made lots of progress but still her arm strength is not nearly where it should be. So essentially she placed the ball down, pushed it and 4 min later it arrived at its intended destination! So I was helping the process along, giving it a little push along with her push to cut the time down to 1 min. I missed the extra push on this specific occasion and it started trickling down the alley VERY SLOWLY! I thought for certain I could grab it before it got too far and give it another push. NOT A GOOD IDEA! Not 2 steps in and I was laying on the floor on my back in some pain and very embarrassed. Had we had a video camera there, I am pretty sure I would have been a winner on America's Funniest Home Videos. Needless to say, I am still sore today! I was however the winner at the end of the night so apparently it didn't incapacitate me too much :)
On Sunday we headed to the creek which is one of the girls' favorite destinations. We spent a couple of hours there and found a soft shell turtle which was pretty cool! They had a great time. I didn't bring my camera but once I load Ainsley's pictures onto our computer I will try to post 1 or 2. I think she might have taken 30! Then of course it was off to church. For any of you who don't know, our church meets in the afternoons right now because we are renting space from another church who meets in the morning. Dinner at Chipotle with friends, a friend overnight last night completed the weekend festivities. We will be celebrating Ainsley's birthday Tuesday night by letting her have a fried of two over and then heading to Chuck E. Cheese Wednesday morning. I have a pretty busy but fun week ahead. Today is pool day with lots of cool friends! Tomorrow I work all day and then have a cell group pool party at night. Wednesday is Chuck E. Cheese in the am and then speech in the afternoon for Ellie. Thursday and Friday I am going to the Willowcreek Leadership Conference in Cincinnati via simulcast. It should be a really cool event! I went last year and loved it!

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