Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The sun is shining...

Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day...alright I won't sing to you but it is positively amazing how quickly 15 inches of snow can melt! Sunday we had 15 inches and now we have some snowbanks left with almost nothing on the lawn itself and it is only Wed. Wow! The weather has been really nice the last two days and I think we are expecting it to reach the 60's by Friday.
Ainsley was up in the night vomiting but woke up this morning just fine. I kept her home from preschool just in case but she could have gone because she's been fine. No one else sick..yet! And hopefully it will stay that way. We are watching 3 of our friends' children Thursday through Saturday so they can celebrate their anniversary in Boston. How cool is that? It should be fun as the two girls are Mackenzie's and Ainsley's age. Jonah, the baby, is well obviously a baby but I am sure he and Ellie will have fun together too:)

I just wanted to celebrate the beautiful sunshiny day!

1 comment:

Erin said...

When can we drop our children off? :)