Sunday, April 19, 2009

The weekend

Mackenzie and I went on a date yesterday afternoon.  I took her to the mall and we had Auntie Anne's pretzels and then she wanted to ride the carousel.  There were several older children riding it and she got in a teacup with them and spun around until I thought I was going to be sick! We did  little shopping since we needed to...but we are apparently cut from the same cloth because she hates shopping too!  I got her some black jazz shoes for her Suessical performance which they requested she have and then got her some sandals and flip flops for the summer.  Now I just need to get Ainsley some sandals and I think we will be good for at least a while.  Then she requested Starbucks hot chocolate so off we went to Starbucks.  My friend Amber was working and let us use her discount.  She is just the best!  And what I can't figure out is how she is always working when I go in there!!  I go VERY infrequently and at VERY different times and she seems to ALWAYS be in there.  Craziness but I love seeing her smiling face and since she knows a lot more about what to order, it is even better:)
Then off to the park to walk around and play a little bit before heading back home.  A fun time with my oldest girl.  She is getting so big and growing up so quickly. I can't believe how the time flies.
We had a leadership huddle in the morning and then the counter top guy came and measured our counter top to replace it.  We just need to go to Home Depot today and pick out a sink fixture and then go to NK Stone and pick out a sink tomorrow and they can start work on our counter top.  Jeff mowed the lawn since it is supposed to rain for the next three days. Mackenzie ended up going out with one of our neighbors for ice cream and we went on a walk with the other two.  Ainsley rode her bike the whole way with no complaining and did great.  I was proud of her and I let them have ice cream once they got back home since we had a little left.
Not much planned for today except church and getting a faucet fixture for the kitchen.

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