Monday, April 27, 2009


The weekend weather we had here was just beautiful.  We had a busy last week so it was nice to have a fairly relaxing weekend.  Mackenzie drama practice Sat afternoon and Ainsley and mommy went on a mommy date.  Ainsley decided to get her ears pierced again with her own money, then decided not to, and then decided to..well you get the picture.  She ended up not doing it and when we finally told the girl that was going to pierce them that she wasn't going to get it done, she was surprised and said most of the moms just make the kids do it.  My response was that it wasn't my idea in the first place and it is her money.  So when she's ready, she can get it done.  We also went to the bead boutique that our neighbors own because the girls like going there and buying random things.  Then off to pick Mackenzie up.  We also went to the park in the back of our subdivision for a little hike Saturday morning.  The girls love going down to the creek.  Jeff found a salamander and we say two snakes!  In addition to that, there were was a group horse back riding through the park and we got to see 13 horses.  I thought that was pretty cool. 
Yesterday was spent outside a lot and then we just hung out as a family inside later in the afternoon.  We made roll-ups and went for a walk and then off to bed for the girls.  We of course stayed up to watch the Red Sox Yankees game.  I am pretty sure that the coolest part of the game was when Jacoby Ellsbury stole home!  I couldn't believe it.  Still in shock...what a bold cool move.
Very busy week this week so probably won't blog much.  I am going with Ainsley on a field trip today while my neighbor watches Ellie.  Tomorrow another visit for Ellie's medicaid program. On Wednesday I leave for a 3 day Children's Ministry Conference outside Atlanta!  I am pretty excited.  Jeff has the girls Wed-Sat so I can go.  I am going with two other women and I think it will be a lot of fun.  

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