Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother/Gotcha Day!!

Well we finally have Phynley in our care!!  I can't believe that this day has finally happened!
It has been a good day here.  We had our morning buffet breakfast which was yummy, explored around the hotel a bit, saw the pool and explored in the immediate vicinity of our hotel.  By the time we got back to our room, Kim was here!!  :) 
We spent the rest of our morning time hanging out and  talking with Kim and then exploring the local area on our way to find a McDonald's.  You can take Mackenzie to China but you can't make her eat Chinese food!  Then we headed back to our hotel to meet up with our guide, Sissi, who took us to a local store to get a few things that we needed.  It was a very interesting experience.  The local RT Mart had lots of stuff, and was VERY busy.  We got Mackenzie a bathing suit, Phynley some toys and all of us some snacks and then proceeded to wait in line for a while.  The sights and smells of China are something that seem to take me a while to get used to.  I remember this from the past two times we have been here.  Lots of noise, lots of smells and lots of crazy traffic.
Then we essentially came back and waited for Phynley to arrive.  She traveled here by train with three orphanage workers from her orphanage.  It was a 3 hour trip for them.  She has obviously been well cared for.  Her nanny wasn't among the women who came but she has a nanny that cared for her and 4 other kids.  They stayed for a few minutes to answer questions that we might have and then left us with Phynley and our guide to fill out paperwork.  We are her guardians right now.  We officially become her parents tomorrow!
So far this process has been nothing like Ellie's adoption.  It's hard to tell if they just prepared her well or if it will all come crashing down tomorrow but for now, I am soaking it up!  She's very personable.  She reaches out for both Jeff and I.  She loves eating and uses a sippy cup quite proficiently.  She is completely mobile on her own and she is adorable! :)
I will post more tomorrow after all our paperwork, but for now I leave you with a few pictures from our day.  Our friend Kim took LOTS of pictures but we don't have those right now.  I will post a few we managed to snap from our camera though :)


Jen said...

Precious! Congratulations!

The Pilots Wife said...

So exciting! Glad things are going well. Glory to God! -Katie Glaser

SHELLY said...

She's beautiful and what a fantastic Mother's Day present. Praying for a smooth transition for all of you. Love you, friend!

Difference2This1 said...

Aaww!!! Love it!! :) Prayers for you all! Blessings, Jennifer

Amy Murphy said...

Congrats, guys!!! I'm so happy for you! I pray that all will continue to go well, and you will continue to grow in your bond together.

The Clark Family said...

Congratulations, Steph!! So excited for you!

The Lewis 6-pack said...

This is very exciting news! So relieved and thankful that things are going so smooth this time. Enjoy... she's a beautiful gift!

Difference2This1 said...

Sissi was our guide when we were there for Raegan! Loved her!! :) Hope all is going well still!! Blessings, Jennifer

Journey Forward said...

You should NOT have put the socks over her hands ~ she was using her fingers to COMFORT herself during transition. A parent should always understand that during times of major change, such as adoption, you put the childs needs first and let them comfort themselves as they need to. I hope you allow her to be herself instead of right away putting the socks over her fingers so she won't suck on them to soothe herself. That is very very sad.