Friday, October 19, 2007

Getting ready to travel

Well I thought I would post even though I don't have any exciting new pictures to add. I am learning to use the video on our camera since we have decided to bring only our digital camera with us. I like the video feature that it offers and both Jeff and I want to keep everything simple and just enjoy the time we have in China with Ellie.
This weekend will be spent doing last minute stuff and packing. Seeing exactly how many suitcases we will need to bring, etc. So it will be busy but at least we have several days next week to do any last minute details. We have already taken care of many things so I am feeling pretty good about the next few days. We leave on Thurs morning from Cincinnati but have quite a bit planned before that happens. The girls have a birthday party, school, ballet and Awana. So lots to do but time will fly as it already has. I can't believe we have less than 6 days left!! Actually 5 full days till we leave! Please keep us in your prayers as finish packing and especially as we head to China at the end of the week. My biggest concerns that you pray about are the girls and how the handle the long flight and jet lag. Adjusting to Ellie and her adjusting to us and handling the jet lag for me. I always seem to be hardest hit by it and I am not sure why that is but pray that my internal clock can at least semi-adjust!

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