Saturday, October 27, 2007

Good Morning from BJ!

We are up bright and early this morning. I woke at about 5:15. Not sure why but I did. I slept a bit more last night. The girls each woke once but went right back to sleep and then at 6 everyone needed to go to the bathroom so we have really been awake since then. Jeff is still in bed but he handled the girls last night when they woke so that was nice. I am feeling a bit more rested. We spent the day yesterday just hanging out, relaxing and talking. Sue took us to a Chinese restaurant and we had LOTS of great food. I am pretty sure the girls didn't think so though! Chinese food has never been their favorite but it makes me glad that we packed some American food just in case! Mackenzie ended up coming home and eating PB&J. Mackenzie did try some of most of what we gave her though which is improvement. Sue ordered these awesome green beans and I could have eaten the whole platter. And then there was meat sticks, rice, sweet and sour chicken, chicken with peanuts, Chinese french fries (apparently they are hand cut with a cleaver but are REALLY thin)and some bread. Ainsley promptly fell asleep about 10 minutes into the meal. She almost fell off her chair! So I held her the rest of the time. Then a Chinese woman came up and started talking to me about Ainsley. Sue didn't know what she was saying either but we think she wanted to get Ainsley a mat to sleep on and put her down..however since I had no idea where she wanted to put her, Sue sent her away after several attempts to communicate with me. One would think the completely lost look on my face would have given me away!:)
We were all in bed at around 8:45 last night. This morning we are going to get ready and head to church with Matt, Sue and their other house guest Pam who is here on sabbatical from Taylor to do some teaching this month. We will have lunch, pack up and head back to the airport to fly to Hangzhou. We will try to post again tonight to let you all know how it went! We meet up with Patrick, Kim and Moyer this evening in Hangzhou and they will be there the rest of the week with us!!!! We are so excited! I would post some pictures but then you would all know that we are still in the same clothes we flew in...pure laziness..but they are so comfortable:)

Hopefully you will all hear from us tonight in Hangzhou!

1 comment:

Aleisa said...

On your post a couple of days ago it said "only 2 more days until we have Ellie" and this is two days later (maybe? can't figure out with the time difference). I hope you have her in your arms!! I'm so excited for you!! I'm so glad you're able to keep us up to date through your blog. This is so neat! It will be awesome for Ellie to look back on someday too! You're all in my prayers!