Monday, February 4, 2008


Well of course we are disappointed that the Patriots lost last night. They played horribly so who could really expect that they would win but all the same, a disappointing end to an amazing season. To shake off the blues I am folding laundry. Not really helping shake the blues though..neither is the gray, overcast day that is outside our window. However I am going out to dinner tonight so that should help:)

Anyway Ainsley and Ellie are playing on the trampoline and Ainsley skirt keeps falling off. Most skirt type things are difficult to keep up as Ainsley has a tiny waist so that isn't the funny part really. The funny thing is that Ellie is wearing some of those tight pants that are more like tights than pants so there's no way they will fall down. But in order to copy Ainsley, she will jump and then try to pull her pants down. Pretty cute and funny.

Not a lot happening today but want to try to keep consistent with posting so here I am. We will be filing our taxes here very soon so I guess that's pretty exciting! Or the tax return is at least:)

I will try to get some pics posted soon!

A very odd thing. I haven't been able to spell check the last two days. I am not sure if it is a blogger issue or an issue with the new computer. So if you see spelling errors, please extend some grace!


Shawn Lundvall said...
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Shawn Lundvall said...

We feel your pain and still can't believe Tyree made that catch... We will have to get on Lucas' case to post more, he's been quite negligent.
This is Shawn & Erin Lundvall btw... my test blog site is not that big a giveaway to my identity.

p.s. Ironically, now we (Pats fans) can understand how the '01 Yanks Fans felt after Gonzo's bloop base hit to win that series against them...

Kim said...

I'm glad that you posted that you were not able to spell check. I wasn't either and thought it was my computer, but it must be a Blogger thing. Hopefully, they will get that fixed soon.