Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Well...looks like the two older girls are on the mend.  Ainsley seemed to be sick only briefly and Mackenzie is finally after four days starting to perk up.  Now however I am sick.  I think I will be better in a few days but feel pretty gross right now.  You can pray that we don't infect my mom, who is flying in on Friday and my brother and his family, who have tentatively planned on driving up from SC for the extended weekend.

Lysol is my friend.

We also had yet another snow day today.  Too much of being in the house is making me stir crazy even if we aren't well enough to go anywhere!  After reading a few of my other blogs that I follow looks like there are other sick people out there too.  Hope we are all feeling better soon!


Jen said...

I'm so glad that your mom is coming for a visit. Hope you guys get feeling better.

Shawn Lundvall said...

Praying for you guys...

And wow, what a picture overload! Too tired to read it all tonight...
